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Divorce Attorney Philadelphia

Serving Philadelphia County, Bucks County, and Montgomery County

Quality divorce law representation can help. A couple may file for divorce for many reasons, ranging from growing apart to falling out of love.

Alternatively, there could have been a breach in the marriage agreement, such as an adulterous affair or a long-term, legal separation between each couple. Sometimes, each individual partner has their own reasons for seeking an official end to the marriage.

Legal advice from our family law lawyer at Velter Yurovsky Zoftis Sokolson, LLC, who has experience handling all related family law issues. Often, it's difficult to agree on the terms of your Divorce regarding issues such as marital property and child custody. Frustrations can quickly arise when deciding which partner gets what:

  • Who gets the car?
  • Who gets the house?
  • Who gets child custody and child support?
  • Who handles paying child support?
  • How should an engagement ring be handled following a Divorce?

Though it's best to reach a mutual agreement and pursue an uncontested Divorce where possible, we can't always expect the ideal with emotions running high. A Philadelphia family law attorney from the law offices of Velter Yurovsky Zoftis Sokolson, LLC, understands these frustrations.

Philadelphia Divorce Lawyers can provide you with guidance on your legal matter and fight on your behalf if you feel unheard. We know that Divorce is already a difficult discussion and that it's an even more arduous legal process.

A free consultation with a competent Philadelphia divorce lawyer from our family law practice can help alleviate your legal concerns. At our law firm, our family law attorneys understand that the outcomes of divorce cases can vary depending on each client's specific needs and challenges.

experienced divorce attorney

Philadelphia Divorce Lawyers

Family Law Firm Philadelphia Divorce Lawyer

Here are just some of the many family law issues and types of divorce cases our Philadelphia Divorce Lawyers handle:

  • Alimony
  • Child-Custody
  • Divorce Mediator
  • Spousal Support
  • Divorce and Child Custody
  • Fathers Rights
  • Visitation Rights
  • Child Custody Arrangements
  • Child Support
  • Family Court
  • Military Divorce
  • No Fault Divorce
  • Divorce Settlement Agreement
  • Custodial and Visitation
  • Division of Assets
  • High Asset Divorce
  • Mediation
  • Division of Property
  • Property Distribution
  • Asset Division
  • Bank Accounts
  • Marital Assets
  • Uncontested Divorce
  • Prenuptial Agreement
  • Postnuptial Agreement
  • Same-Sex Divorce
  • Domestic Violence
  • and more.

Our Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Divorce Lawyers also have years of experience supporting clients through these trying times. Our divorce attorneys want you to feel confident and empowered in your decisions.

Contact A Philadelphia Divorce Attorney For A Free Consultation

Divorcing couples may expose themselves to unnecessary duress and irreversible outcomes. Some agreements, like a child support arrangement, can be adjusted later down the line.

However, some agreements, such as asset distribution, cannot be altered once they are decided. With the many reasons Divorce can occur and how it can be handled, it is crucial that you are appropriately educated and prepared for what is to come.

To ensure that your rights and best interests are valued and protected, it is best to seek out the legal services of a skilled Divorce Lawyer. Having a Philadelphia Divorce Lawyer from our law firm on your side will help ensure you get the best possible outcome for our clients.

Regardless of whether you are filing for a Mutual Consent Divorce, A No-Fault Divorce, a Fault Divorce, or a Divorce following one spouse's institutionalization, a Philadelphia Divorce Attorney can navigate you through the hardships and direct you to the most appropriate and fair outcome possible.

Pursuing your legal right to have a judge overlook the divorce case or want to explore other possibilities, the fact of the matter is that certain things in family law matters must be decided on.

Assets must be determined and divided, spousal and Child Support must be set, child custody and parental rights must be determined, and marital property must be equitably distributed.

Without a seasoned Philadelphia, PA Divorce Lawyer, you risk the possibility of these things being determined unjustly.

An Experienced Philadelphia, PA Divorce Attorney

Your Divorce may not have been the desired outcome of your marriage. But if you are to receive your desired outcome during the Divorce process.

You need an experienced Philadelphia Divorce Lawyer in divorce law to help you achieve that. It would be best if you had legal counsel and legal assistance from the Philadelphia area Divorce Attorneys at Velter Yurovsky Zoftis Sokolson, LLC.

To reach a family lawyer for a free case evaluation, call us at our law office at 215-969-3004. Our Philadelphia Divorce Attorneys at Velter Yurovsky Zoftis Sokolson, LLC, are well known and respected among their colleagues and previous clients from Pennsylvania Common Pleas Court Philadelphia and New Jersey.

Divorce Attorney Philadelphia

Divorce Attorneys

Family Law Matters

Family Law Cases

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