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Philadelphia Underage Drinking Defense Lawyer

Serving Bucks County, Northeast Philadelphia, and Montgomery County

When you are young, you have dreams and aspirations. You have wants and desires and an unbridled passion for pursuing those things that sometimes cannot compare to the adults’ determination around you. However, during youth, individuals are particularly prone to making mistakes. Sometimes, those mistakes are easy to come back from: you played too hard at a sports event, twisted your ankle, or said the wrong thing.

Some mistakes are easy to overcome; some are not.

Underage drinking is a charge that could altogether halt the trajectory of your or your loved one’s life. The consequences of underage drinking criminal charges are often overwhelming and harsh. These consequences could lead to long-term complications and obstacles that you or your loved one, but they don’t always have to.

At the law offices of Velter Yurovsky Zoftis Sokolson, LLC, we don’t believe that you are the sum of your mistakes. We believe young people deserve the right to an experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer in Philadelphia, PA, who understands that they should be treated fairly and with the forgiveness that is so often absent from the legal system.

Our Law Firm provides individuals in Philadelphia, PA, and the surrounding areas the means to defend themselves against the life-altering, incapacitating punishments that can come with a conviction of underage drinking.

A Conviction Could Change Your Life:

Once you are convicted of Underage Drinking, the offense is considered a summary offense. We at Velter Yurovsky Zoftis Sokolson, LLC law firm, understand that this can seem misleading. While this is not a misdemeanor or more severe offense, it is still a criminal offense, resulting in a permanent record. This record is something that places of potential employees can request.

Additionally, this record is also one that colleges and universities can ask for—acquiring a criminal record while enrolled or seeking enrollment can result in an acceptance denial or reconsideration of enrollment. It can even affect crucial financial aid contributions, sometimes resulting in reducing the overall elimination of such aid.

These underage drinking charges can also result in thousands of dollars in fines and jail time, both of which could prove harmful to you or your loved ones’ longevity and pursuit of a better future.

Underage Drinking Defense Lawyer Philadelphia

An experienced Underage Drinking Defense Lawyer at Velter Yurovsky Zoftis Sokolson, LLC, wants to ensure that does not happen. We can argue on your behalf for a pretrial diversion, leading to enrollment in state and federal programming. Perhaps your case was mishandled, or the persecution relied on a non-credible witness.

Many factors went into the situation leading up to your underage drinking charges. Our experienced criminal defense attorney will purposefully and reliably consider every possible defense to ensure you can further your life and make it what you intended.

Underage DUI Can Have Serious Consequences

Get in touch with an experienced Philadelphia Underage Drinking Defense Attorney if you or your child are facing criminal charges because of underage DUI. We at Velter Yurovsky Zoftis Sokolson, LLC, are here to help. Please call our Law Firm for a free consultation at 215-969-3004.

Underage Drinking Lawyer

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