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Postnuptial Agreement Lawyer Philadelphia

Serving Bucks County, Northeast Philadelphia, and Montgomery County

Much like a prenuptial agreement, a Postnuptial Agreement is a legally binding contract between two spouses that determines how the affairs of the couple will be settled and their assets distributed in case of a divorce or the death of one of the signers.

However, a Postnuptial Agreement differs from a prenuptial agreement in that a prenuptial agreement is signed before entering into the marriage, while a Postnuptial Agreement takes place after the marriage.

A certain stigma surrounds Postnuptial Agreements, much like prenuptial agreements. In the past, Postnuptial Agreements were considered legally impossible because of the idea that a married couple was legally one person and then due to the fear of encouraging divorce. However, it's essential to realize that a Postnuptial Agreement not only does not necessarily lead to divorce but, in many cases, can actually help prevent it.

In situations where a couple is experiencing difficulties and worried about whether divorce might be the right option, a Postnuptial Agreement can remove many of the practical fears and doubts surrounding that possibility and thus allow clearer thought and communication. This, in turn, can result in the redirection of focus from financial matters to emotional ones.

However, to achieve this, the terms of the Postnuptial Agreement must be well-adjusted to meet the needs and wishes of both spouses while being legally sound. The best way to guarantee that your Postnuptial Agreement meets these needs is through the assistance of an expert Postnuptial Agreement Lawyer Philadelphia from our law offices. Our law firm prioritizes fair and reasonable disclosure to protect the financial obligations of both parties involved in a postnuptial agreement.

Conversely, when both parties feel that divorce is likely imminent, a Postnuptial Agreement can alleviate the transition. In these cases, either or both spouses seek to protect their assets and clarify the way in which the marriage will resolve.

Alternatively, if one or both of the spouses seek to pass on property to children they had prior to the marriage, and the couple has not already signed a prenuptial agreement, a Postnuptial Agreement can protect this wish in the case of one of the spouse's deaths.

Just as a Postnuptial Agreement may be appropriate for a variety of situations, several terms may be specified within it. Here are some of the things a Postnuptial Agreement may address:

  • Distribution Of Marital Property
  • Distribution Of Other Marital Assets
  • Spousal Support, Or Lack Thereof
  • Alimony, Or Lack Thereof
  • Child Custody, Where Applicable
  • Child Support

This list is not exhaustive, nor will every item on it be present in every agreement. Just as every person's situation is different, well-constructed Postnuptial Agreements vary widely. Depending on your situation, the above concerns may or may not apply.

Lawyer For Postnuptial Agreement Drafting

If you are considering a Postnuptial Agreement, you need an experienced Philadelphia Family Law Attorney and an understanding and level-headed mediator with the skills to navigate potential disputes and legal hurdles alike.

An experienced family law attorney can expertly guide you through the postnuptial agreement process, ensuring your interests and assets are protected. When you're ready to draft a postnuptial agreement, trust in the expertise of a seasoned family law attorney to guide the process with accuracy and care.

With over 75 years of combined experience, the law offices of Velter Yurovsky Zoftis Sokolson, LLC, has what it takes to help you achieve your best outcome in a Postnuptial Agreement. Call our law office at 215-969-3004 to set up a free consultation with our Postnuptial Agreement Lawyer Philadelphia.

Postnuptial Agreement Lawyer Philadelphia

Postnuptial Agreements

full and fair disclosure

Marital Agreements

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