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Slip and Fall Lawyer Philadelphia

Serving Bucks County, Northeast Philadelphia, and Montgomery County

When owners of a property cannot ensure that their premises are safe and free from defects, people on these premises get injured. One of the more common ways this can happen is through a Slip and Fall or Trip and fall. Many Slip and Falls cases cause severe injuries, soaring medical bills, and lost wages. These injuries send thousands of people to the hospital each year.

Suppose you've been injured in a Slip and Fall accident in Philadelphia, PA, or the surrounding area, whether business owners in a grocery store, restaurant, hotel, bank, apartment, or any property owned by another. In that case, you will need legal representation for your pain and suffering from our experienced Slip and Fall Lawyers to help you recover compensation for your medical expenses.
With over 75 years of combined law experience, our Slip and Fall Attorney is prepared to provide you with that help. We are happy to provide you with a free consultation to answer any questions you may have.

Usually, it is easier to prove constructive notice in cases involving Slip and Fall injuries.

It must first be established that a hazardous or defective condition on their property caused the Slip and Fall accident. There are a wide variety of hazards and/or defects that may result in slip and fall injuries, including, but not limited to, fall injuries.

  • Improper Cleaning
  • Unlabeled Wet Floors
  • Substandard Lighting
  • Uneven Pavements
  • Weather Conditions Such As Snow Or Ice
  • Foreign Objects

personal injury claim

Slip and Fall Accident Lawyers

Besides showing that the hazard/defect was present on the premises, it also must be demonstrated that the hazard/defect resulted in the injuries in question. The Pennsylvania Personal Injury Lawyers at law office Velter Yurovsky Zoftis Sokolson, LLC, use:

  • Medical Records
  • Police Reports
  • Photographs
  • Video Surveillance
  • Speak To The Insurance Company
  • Witness Testimony
  • And Other Evidence To Prove Their Personal Injury Case.

A somewhat more complicated matter, equally necessary for securing compensation, is that of "notice." The owner of the premises is said to have "notice" either if they knew of the hazard/defect's existence (actual notice) or if they should have known (constructive notice) of the hazard/defect's presence. Actual notice is usually more difficult to prove, except in cases where the owner or their employees actually caused the hazard or when the hazard occurs at such a high frequency that the owner knows of its routine nature.

Constructive notice occurs when the owner fails to take due diligence to ensure that no such hazards/dangers exist on their property and endangers the public. The amount of time the hazard/defect existed on the property before causing an accident is a significant factor in establishing constructive notice, as the property owner has to routinely inspect any premises used by the public for such hazards.

Philadelphia Slip and Fall Lawyer

Lastly, the reason you were on the premises is of considerable importance to your recovery ability. Depending on whether you are classified as an invitee, a licensee, or a trespasser on the premises, the owner owes a different level of duty to you.

An invitee is owed the highest standard of duty and is defined as a person on the premises to confer an economic benefit on the owner of the premises, such as a shopper at a supermarket.

A licensee is owed the next highest standard of duty and includes any person on the premises who is legally allowed to be there, but does not confer an economic benefit to the owner.
This includes social guests, law enforcement officers, and postal workers.

A trespasser is somebody who has no legal right to be on the premises. 

The owner need not make the premises reasonably safe for a trespasser. But a property owner must not intentionally inflict injury on a trespasser. Children are owed a higher duty of care, regardless of whether they are considered trespassers.

Philadelphia Slip and Fall Lawyer

Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and Fall Accident

Have you been injured in a Slip and Fall accident in Philadelphia or the surrounding area while on somebody else's property? Ready to discuss your options with an expert Slip and Fall Lawyer from our personal injury law firm? Call Velter Yurovsky Zoftis Sokolson, LLC at 215-969-3004 as soon as possible to schedule a no-obligation consultation.
You can also Email Us for a prompt and informative response. In Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

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Slip and Fall Lawsuit



Slip and Fall

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